Tuesday, February 26, 2008


Today I am feeling insecure about my writing. I feel nervous and uninspired. I believe the reason is because of the counter on my blog. I know it is something interesting to look at, but it is also making me feel self-conscious. My mom has over 100 more views that I do and it makes me want to just quit, and give up. I am jealous and I don’t know why. This blog feels like it is becoming food for my ego, when people write comments about how they like the post, I get booted up. I need to continue to do this for me, and to provide people with an understanding of Jordan, and the Bedouin people. I have lost this. I feel as if I am floating in a fake High School world, where I need to know if my outfit is cute enough to let me climb the social ladder. I need to stop this because it is ruining my days here and instead of being inspired by things, I feel as if I have been searching for them. My friend James wrote me a comment on how one of my posts inspired him to read the Middle Eastern section of the newspaper and gave him strength. I need to read and re-read this because it is inspiration that fuels me. Sometimes, I wish that I had a little secretary inside of my brain that could write down poems, thoughts, or whatever came to my mind, when I got inspired.
I was discussing the other day with my mother, how the arts affect people. We will take writing for instance. When you read, you are in a personal space, weather you be reading out loud or along with someone, it’s in you. Writing is powerful. It persuades, inspires, makes you sick, gives you nightmares, educates you on bed bugs, tells of distant lands, it does everything! Sometimes, I wish that I could just be put in a room with a laptop for a day, and just write everything that came to my mind. Writing is the way that I can be an artist (and it is why I need to stop searching for peoples approval). I don’t know how to paint, make a sculpture, balance ISO in a photo, but I can write. It is simple, but it is the brush with which I paint. Or if you have seen Juno, “The cheese of my macaroni.” I don’t think like a scientist, even though I love science, I don’t live in numbers but in my imagination. I feel bad for people who have stashed away their imagination, in an attempt to grow up. I love to observe human ways and I look at adults and pity them is some ways. Growing up is something entirely different and in an attempt to “grow up,” some have lost their imagination to their jobs, pushed away their dreams because of others, or some that wish to explore the world, but are bound by their own minds. I want to keep my imagination and try to use it everyday, weather it be looking at rocks and finding a funny face, playing a story through my head all day long, or writing. I must keep my fire alive. I can’t have my creativeness and my imagination get smoldered by this counter. This is my creative outlet and I have to remind myself of this or the breeze will snuff my rawness and honesty. Take my writing however way you want it, it is in your personal space. You may exaggerate my feelings; find inspiration in my words, or just curse at my views. Do it! I encourage you to access that special place inside of you. We admire children because of their creativity and their ability to love (and many more reasons), but they also don’t have a tainted imagination. They don’t laugh at each other’s imagination, if they want to imagine an underwater city in their tree house, or see a dog in the way the clouds billow, they are free. Keep this in mind, because you are your imagination and don’t let that light get extinguished. Burn baby burn!


Matt Theado said...

You can't count your effectiveness in the number of hits your blog gets, you know. I am glad that you are re-emphasizing your original purpose: to educate folks on Jordan and life in a Muslim country. I have Google Earth-ed Jordan many times over and, like James, I am more attuned to news and events from the Middle East. Keep showing us the day-to-day stuff; I promise you that it is worthy.

kdefnall said...

Dude Bailey we don't expect you to always have an idea about what to write on your blog and we don't expect a post of everything that you see. I don't know if I would call what you have writers block but maybe that's it. Your from NY, right? Maybe instead of always waiting to look at something with a "fresh" point of view you could put yourself in someone else's shoes. What would a farmer from Alabama see in your situation? A cook who cooks in a diner? A dentist from Miami? Your best friend? Trying to relate what you see to what you think the stereotypes of others can help you to see a different point of view. Then maybe you can be inspired by that new idea. Sorry if this seems a little preachy but this is something I have to do when i'm stuck in my own little box and can't exactly think outside of it. I hope it helps!!

Deb said...

Happiness comes from inside Bailey. Not from what people post or what you post on your blog. But I hear ya, we all need "stroked" every now and then. I enjoy your blogs very much and I feel closer to you because of them. PS. I don't read your mom's blogs ; ) I am depending on you to share Jordan experience with me! (no pressure) Love, Aunt Deb

Bailey said...

Please do read my mom's blog! She is a great writer and has insight into different situations. It's a different side to the story, and I hope that you won't not read it because I have a little jealousy.

Deb said...

Dear Bailey, every gets jealous it's okay. I was on my way home and realized why you "might" be feeling low.....YOU NEED TO SHAVE! You will feel much much better. ; ) I read it once. Not a good day for me to read it I guess. Maybe I'll check it out and give her another chance. I really do like your blogs Bay. I think it's great that we get to "chat". I miss you. Have fun.

stonerose said...

I laughed when I read your comments about having an active imagination. When you were 3 or 4 years old you taught me a lesson that I have never forgotten and hopefully have passed on to my kids. We (me, you, granny and grandpa) went to Waynesboro First Night and you made a wand with a star on the end of it. As we walked out I asked you what it was expecting you to reply "a magic wand", but nooo... Bailey had to say its a BELL and you proceeded to make it ring.
Since then my imagination has been renewed and I encourage my kids to keep theirs alive as well.
I read both your and your Mom's blogs, mainly to compare your notes with each other. It amazes me how people can be at the same place and experience different things. She is a good writer, but I think your talents exceed both hers and your Dad's
Love Aunt Rose

Stephanie said...

Thanks for all your encouragement Rose. I agree, Bailey has such a natural talent for writing and telling it like it is. Cheers!

grany said...

I have spent the last two day's thinking what to say about the last blog you sent out and I go back to when we spent time in Africa. When you go to another country so diffrent from our own every thing is great at first then you start missing your old ways of doing things and you have feelings on not being safe as you would like. As soon as we got back to the good old U.S.of A. I wished that I was back in Africa to enjoy it all over again. You are being to hard on yourself so go and kick some sand and know that we are praying for you and by the way do we all see the same stars in the sky? and what shampoo do you use? and do you take hot showers? How long are you at the camp when you go? Is the house you are staying big. Can you use their things like t.v. computer,stove. Can you cook your own meals? just asking and if you already wrot about these things I must have missed it. love grany

jeff said...

Hello Bailey. I am a friend of your dad's and he shared your blog with me awhile back. I have been very impressed with not only what you have to say, but the artful way in which you say it. Blog counts be damned! I look forward to reading about your next adventure and how it impacts you and your surroundings. Thanks for sharing.

Jennifer Haase said...

Take that silly counter off this stunning and life-affirming blog, Girlfriend, and keep ROCKIN'and sharin' that amazing perspective you have!!

I catch up to blogs on Saturdays, typically, and I look forward--so much--to how you will move me...and you ALWAYS move me...to write and write and write, too.

Is your love for writing so intense sometimes that the idea of doing it again makes you want to vomit, but when you push past that resistance you reach this place of sweet euphoria so incredible just...because...you...WROTE...something? Expressed something? Explored a deeper side of yourself and dared to share it? I ask because I feel this, too. Incredible, isn't it?